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Posted on 04/27/2020 in Funding

Basic Fundraising Concepts for Nearly All Nonprofits - By nonprofit.courses

Grasping basic nonprofit fundraising means getting it right the first time. Money makes mission happen in any nonprofit, even ones who rely on all-volunteer workforces. How do you get money? Top on the list is Fundraising. Believe it or not (and I know that a lot of people can’t believe this) you can get comfortable with fundraising – or at least conversant, which will get you a long way toward comfortable. Who is this course for? 

Consultants who fundraise, and need to fill in the gaps of their skill sets. This course will be an excellent update of your skills. Consultants who don’t fundraise, but work with nonprofits that do. You need to be conversant so that your work dovetails with exactly what your client wants and needs.

Board members and volunteers who need a quick ramp-up on fundraising so you can serve your nonprofit’s mission more effectively.

Executive Directors and nonprofit leaders who need a thorough orientation to the mechanics of fundraising, so you can evaluate current programs and help build new ones.

Nonprofit staff who are just starting in fundraising, or whose role touches or will be impacted by fundraising.

In Basic Fundraising Concepts that Apply to Nearly All Nonprofits, you’ll get uncommon insights, taking you step-by-step through tried-and-true concepts and modern methodologies. In the end, others will be impressed with your knowledge, and grateful that you know. You’ll start with what makes nonprofits unique among organizational types (it’s more than you’d think), and why and how people, companies, and foundations give (you’d be surprised). Armed with that, you’ll dig into what’s common to nearly every kind of fundraising you’ll encounter, so that no matter what someone brings to you, or you’re asked to develop, you’ll have a framework for success. And rest assured, you are getting information that’s stood the test of hundreds, if not thousands of adult learners from all over the world: women and men from nearly every nonprofit mission, staff, board and volunteers, career changers and nonprofit veterans.

PRICE: $97.99

Experience: All

Course type: All

What will student learn:


Course type: All
