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Posted on 04/07/2020 in Marketing

Branding 360° Effect.

Imagine having a family of experts on your side to assist you in creating a visual brand that will entice and excite your client base! Today we can make that a reality for you.

I know that many people promise they can help, but seldom are they in your non-profit budget range.

With Tafgraphics, you get our 40+ years’ combined experience in illustration, graphic design, and website design and we bring cost-effective and valuable resources to your non-profit business.

We offer a FREE online assessment that will allow us to look at your business from a top-level view so that we can address the main issue, “What is wrong with my business picture…?” and turn it into “What we can do to together to get the right picture!”

We desire to help you turn strangers into clients so that you can continue doing what you are passionate about.

Experience the Branding 360° Effect as we Design a Difference for you!
We make it easy for you with our three Value Packages. Each package gives you access to our experience and we can combine design items in a custom fashion depending on what your business actually requires to create “the right picture!”

Value Package #1 – $1725.00 (customizable design focus ~ 18 hours’ time)

Value Package #2 – $3495.00 (customizable design focus ~ 35 hours’ time)>

Value Package #3 – $7495.00 (customizable design focus ~ 75 hours’ time)

NOTE: We are available at $155.00 per hour for small to large individual design projects as well.

Check out our website for the many areas of skill we have to offer. https://www.tafgraphics.comTracy Pyke, President/Senior Designer 

Email: files@tafgraphics.com
